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Cascade Parameter

What is Cascade Parameter?

  • Cascading parameters provide a way of managing large amounts of data in a paginated report. You can define a set of related parameters so that the list of values for one parameter depends on the value chosen in another parameter.

  • For example, the first parameter is independent and might present a list of product categories. When the user selects a category, the second parameter is dependent on the value of the first parameter. Its values are updated with a list of subcategories within the chosen category.

  • For example, suppose you have two parameters: Country & Product Line. When you choose the Country then the Product Line parameter lists only those Products which belong to the selected Country.


  • Create Cascade Parameter & Dataset from it.


  • Two dataset named Sales.ds.

Download dependency files from link given

Skill Level Required

  • Basic knowledge of Cascade Parameter & SQL.

  • After downloading the zip file, add Sales.ds from zip into the Dataset section of OPNBI.

  • To add it into OPNBI follow this Link

Steps to Create Cascade Parameter

  1. Login to the OPNBI using your credentials.

  2. Go to the Hamburger menu Docusaurus Slash Introduction > Master Data > Parameters.

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  3. Click on Create from the bottom menu.

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  4. Fill the details in Create Parameter window as given below:

  • Parameter Name: ProductLine
  • Prompt Text: Select Productline
  • Display Type: Select List Box from the drop down
  • Check Dynamic checkbox
  • Dataset: Sales.ds
  • Display Text: productLine
  • Value: productLine
  • Linked Parameter: country (Here we are linking existing parameter)
  • Filter Column: country

productLine will be depended on country column of Sales.ds dataset for this example.

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  1. Click on Submit button & your Parameter Dataset will be created.

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  2. Go to Dataset from the hamburger menu.

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  3. Click on create dataset from the bottom menu.

  • Click here to know more about Dataset terminology.
  1. Fill the details as given below:-
  • Name: Cascade Dataset
  • Dasource: ClassicModels

Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  1. Write Query in Query Window as shown in image below:-

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  2. For this example we used below Query.

select * from PRODUCTS where productLine in ({{productline}})

Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  1. Go to Parameter section as shown in image below:

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  2. Select Product Line from the drop-down of Linked Parameter.

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  • Click here to know more in detail about Parameter Section Terminology.
  1. Click on Preview button & user will see window as shown below:

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  1. Two parameter check box are shown because we linked Product Line with Country Column.

  2. Fill the both fileds as given below:

  • Select Parameter: Switzerland
  • Select Productlins: Classic Cars
  • User will see only Classic Cars in in drop-down as we selected Switzerland in Parameter & Switzerland has only Classic Cars Product Line.

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  1. Click on Submit & user will see the output in Preview window as below:

    Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  • Click here to know more about Preview Tab Terminology.
  1. Click on submit button & your cascade parameter dataset will be created.

  2. Created dataset will be available in grid view of dataset section.